Specialist in maxillofacial and cosmetic surgery, nose and dental implants

Hello, welcome to Dr. Hamidreza Falahi's website

Dr. Hamidreza Falahi is a specialist in maxillofacial and facial cosmetic surgery, nose cosmetic surgery and dental implants. He is a member of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of America and Iran and has numerous and prominent articles and translations in the field of maxillofacial surgery.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

Dr.Hamid Reza Fallahi

Our Services

Our specialties

In the Royal Face Complex, which is managed under the supervision of Dr. Hamidreza Fallahi, the following services are offered:
parallax background
Dr. Hamidreza Fallahi – Specialist in maxillofacial surgery, nose and dental implant

مشتاق دیدار شما عزیزان در مجموعه خود هستیم

ایران - اهواز -کیانپارس
پهلوان شرقی - برج جام جم
طبقه 3

Client Satisfaction

Royal Face, with its experienced and experienced medical staff, has been able to achieve a high level of satisfaction among the existing collections in the province and provide excellent services to dear companions. We hope that you will help our dear and cherished companions in providing the best services in the Royal Face collection.
Dr. Hamidreza Fallahi
Specialist in Oral and Facial Surgery


Based on the points received on the nobat.ir

منتظر چی هستی ؟؟؟ همین الان نوبت ویزیت خودت رو رزرو کن.